Starting a new family can be a wonderful yet stressful experience. Newborns, and even older babies, can seem mysterious and taking care of them may be a little scary. Fortunately, babies are born with the skills and desire to tell parents what they need. In this blog, experienced moms (who happen to be experts) will help parents understand why babies behave the way they do and share tips to help parents cope with the ups and downs of this new and exciting time of life.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Where is everybody?
With the end of the school year closing in fast, research commitments, and tons of traveling, we've barely been able to keep our heads above water! We'll be back (no, really...we will) with new posts on June 11th. In the meantime, enjoy the warmer weather!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Infant Crying and Maternal Depression
We all know that hearing your baby (or any baby for that
matter) cry is stressful! Stress hormones are released so that parents jump
into action to find out the reason for the crying. But what if the baby
continues to cry despite the parent’s attempts to calm him? How does this
affect caregivers? A group of
researchers had this same question and conducted a study to see whether or not maternal
depression was associated with infant crying, specifically inconsolable crying,
or “crying that cannot be soothed.”

So, what did the researchers find?
At 5-6 weeks postpartum, the majority of mothers (about 57%)
reported no inconsolable crying and about 13% of mothers reported more than 20
minutes per day of inconsolable crying. Mothers with “possible depression” (EPDS
score ≥9)
reported more minutes of infant distress (crying) compared to mothers with no
depressive symptoms. They also reported significantly more inconsolable crying
than mothers without depression. Mothers were twice as likely to be categorized
as having “possible depression” if their
babies had “colic” (defined as more than 3 hours of crying per day) than if
their babies did not have colic. Mothers reporting more than 20 minutes of
inconsolable crying per day were 4 times more likely to be categorized as
having “possible depression” than those that reported no inconsolable crying.
This study found that mothers who felt unable to calm their
infants (inconsolable crying) was more predictive of postpartum depression than
total number of hours of crying. This research group wondered if providing
mothers with education about normal infant crying and ways to soothe their
crying babies would be helpful in preventing depressive symptoms by reducing
reported inconsolable crying. The authors state that further research is needed
to confirm this.
Our “Baby Behavior” research has shown that caregivers need
tools to deal with the normal crying that occurs in young babies. Knowing what
to expect and that crying is not random, but is a form of communication, can
help parents feel more prepared and less stressed. Using repetition to soothe instead of trying a
variety of different soothing techniques is the key. Find what works for your
baby, such as rocking or singing and repeat it over and over until the baby
calms down. Be patient. If your baby is very upset or has been crying for a
while, it may take time for her to calm down. For more information about infant
crying basics, click here. For tools to cope with crying, click here. Some
babies cry more than others. For more information about persistent criers,
click here.
Radesky JS, Zuckerman B, Silverstein M, Rivara FP, Barr M,
Taylor JA, Lengua LJ, Barr RG. Inconsolable Infant Crying and Maternal
Postpartum Depressive Symptoms. Pediatrics. 2013;131:1-8.Friday, May 10, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
New Research: Why Parents Give Solid Foods Early

A group of
researchers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia
decided to look at the age at which parents start solid foods and whether or
not this varies by feeding method (breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination of breast
milk and formula feeding,). They also assessed the reasons why parents start
solid foods in the first place.
The Study1334 mothers were asked to complete food-frequency questions as part of a larger infant-feeding study. Reasons for starting solid foods before 4 months of age were assessed as well.
What they found
was that fewer mothers who were exclusively breastfeeding started solid foods early
compared to mothers who were formula-feeding and mixed feeding (24.3% exclusive
BF, 52.7% formula fed, 50.2% mixed fed). About one quarter of mothers breastfeeding
exclusively started solids before 4 months of age whereas about half
of babies fed formula or both formula and breast milk were started on solids
Many of the
reasons parents started solid foods early were related to the baby’s behavior. The
most common reasons for starting solid foods early were: “My baby was old
enough”; “my baby seemed hungry”; “I wanted to feed my baby something in
addition to breast milk or formula”; “my baby wanted the food I ate”; “a doctor
or other health care professional said my baby should begin eating solid food”
and “it would help my baby sleep
longer at night.” Let’s take a look at each of these reasons:
“My baby seemed
A baby showing hunger cues should be fed and babies only
need breast milk or formula for the first 6-months of life. Sometimes it might
seem that babies are more hungry than usual. There are several reasons why this
might happen. Babies go through growth spurts when they will eat more than
usual. This is normal! It does not mean your baby needs to start other foods
besides breast milk or formula. Every baby is different, but growth spurts are
normal around about 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6
months and 9 months of age. Watch for hunger cues to be sure your baby is
hungry. Babies may also “act hungry” about 10-15
minutes after a feeding. This fussiness is generally caused by either gas or a bowel
movement that is making the baby uncomfortable. Sometimes your baby will wake
up after you lay him down to sleep after a feeding. This does not mean that your
baby is still hungry! For more information about why this and other behaviors
occur, click here. “I wanted to feed my baby something in addition to breast milk or formula”
While it is very exciting to reach the milestone of starting your baby on solid foods, breast milk or formula is enough nutrition for your
baby to grow and develop normally for the first 6-months of life. Exclusive
breastfeeding until 6-months is also recommended by the AAP. When your baby is old enough you will get to introduce
many new foods and share lots of feeding experiences!
“My baby wanted the
food I ate”
While we don’t know exactly why the mothers in this study
thought their babies wanted the food the mothers ate, we do know that it is
developmentally normal that around 4 months of age babies develop the ability
to point at things they want to learn about. Sometimes parents misinterpret
this pointing as the baby “wanting” the food that the parent is eating. Your
baby is just trying to explore his new world! Offering other
things to reach for such as a toy or book can fulfill your baby’s need to
“A doctor or other
health care professional said my baby should begin eating solid food” The AAP, ACOG and AAFP all recommend waiting to start solid foods until about 6-months of age. However, it can be confusing when doctors recommend something different than what you would expect. When other recommendations are made that you are not familiar or comfortable with, discuss the reasons for the recommendation and any concerns you have with the health care provider.
“It would help my
baby sleep longer at night”
Starting solid foods does not help babies sleep longer. One
study (Macknin 1989) showed that adding cereal to a baby’s diet before bedtime did
not make the baby sleep any longer.
hunger cues and other normal baby behaviors may be helpful in delaying solid
food introduction! Knowing why babies behave the way they do may help parents
address the common concerns listed above without having to start solid foods early.
When did you start solid foods with your baby? How did you make the decision to
start at that age?
Clayton HB, Li R, Perrine CG, Scanlon KS. Prevalence
and reasons for introducing infants early to solid foods: variations by milk
feeding type. Pediatrics.
Macknin ML, Medendorp SV, Maier MC. Infant sleep and
bedtime cereal. Am J Dis Child. 1989 Sep;143(9):1066-8.
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