We want to hear from you. What would you like to learn about your baby's behavior? We're ready to answer your questions.
If you are new to our blog, we encourage you to review the first 4 posts from June of last year. You can find them by using the links on the left side of the screen. Those early posts will give you a great start to learning about your baby. For other topics, we encourage you to use the keywords on the left side of the screen and pick out the words that are of most interest to you. Welcome to all of our new readers. Send us your questions!
I have a question. My older daughter (nearly 4) is terrified of the doctor. Is there any way that I can prevent the same thing from happening to my baby? She gets fussy at the doctor's office too but she's too young to be scared ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteMy baby is not afraid of anything, dogs, heights, people, the oven, nothing. She's just trying to take steps. Any way to make her more cautious?
ReplyDeleteWhen my daughter was about 9 mos old we visited a good friend of mine that didn't have any kids at the time. The visit was SO stressful because I spent the whole time chasing my very active baby around their house trying to keep her out of their "breakables." My friend has invited us back several times since, but it was so hard the first time that I don't want to go back! How can I tell her that (or make the visit less stressful for me) without offending her?
ReplyDeleteThese are great questions! Thanks for taking the time to post a comment. We'll get working on the answers right away.
ReplyDeleteMy 5 month old is rolling from back to stomach (but not stomach to back) and now insists on sleeping on his stomach. Is this safe? I try to roll him on his back, but he doesn't stay there.
ReplyDeleteMy 11 month old won't sit in her high chair anymore. She just screams until I let her sit in my lap. Ideas?
ReplyDeleteYou've given us some tough questions this time! Thanks, we'll get to work finding the answers.
ReplyDeleteMy baby always get fussy in the grocery store. She seems to hate it but I have to take her with me sometimes. I just have to keep going but she gets pretty bad. Can I make it better for her?
ReplyDelete3 wk old boy who in the evenings and sometimes early mornings is hungry every hour. is this "normal"?
ReplyDeleteI am about to have a baby and have a dog. I'm worried about how to introduce the baby into the house so the dog won't think it's either an enemy or a toy. How do I make this happen?
ReplyDeleteHi, I have a six month old boy. My milk supply seems to have gone down recently. I have cut back on work (now working only for an hour after he goes to bed and I try to get laundry down during his 3 half-hour naps), and I am sleeping more than I have in the previous six months (I am in bed with him about 7pm and up and down about 2x per night and we're up about 6:30am)--much better than waking up 5 or 6 times a night, which I was doing last month (on a side note - the way I am getting the baby to sleep more is by bringing him into my bed after he wakes up the first time). I am trying to drink about 1 gallon of water per day (128oz). I would describe the nutrition that I eat as above average - lots of protein, fruits+veggies. I am about to turn 38. We have started solid foods recently but I think I was having supply issues even before we started the solid foods. My breasts haven't felt hard (really full) for months, and before the solid food, my kid would want to nurse almost hourly, like he was always hungry. I have tried a few herbal supplements ("mothers milk tea", fenugreek) but that didn't help my supply. I have been supplementing with 4 ozs of formula a day for the past week, and my son doesn't love the taste of the formula but he loves how fast and easy it comes out of the bottle. I am sad that it looks like I'm on the road to weaning, even though I really wanted to nurse for a full 12 months.
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on? Is it my age? Can medical drugs help, or are there a lot of bad side effects and maybe I would be better migrating to formula as slowly as I can go and accepting that my kid will now be also drinking formula? If you have any suggestions to how I can produce enough milk to exclusively breastfeed for another six months, I would really appreciate any ideas you have.
Help! I keep reading that a 6 month old baby is capable of "sleeping through the night," but mine is nowhere near. He is up every 2-3 hours to nurse (and he legitimately seems hungry--he's exclusively breastfed btw). We've tried so hard to teach him good sleep habits (put him down drowsy, regular schedule, etc.) what are we going wrong? He's a very active baby during the day, is it possible he's putting off eating until night when he's less interested in what else is going on? Is this a sign that he needs solids? Or, is he just napping and snacking? This schedule plus a full time job is just exhausting.
ReplyDeleteWe have decided to sleep-train our 6-month-old baby after a few weeks of "up every 2-3 hours to nurse" (EXACT same problem as 1:14, 2/8 poster), but we use cloth diapers and I am nervous about wet diapers waking the baby. When she wakes up now, she is wet maybe once of the 4-5 wakeups each night, but if I don't plan on picking her up (we are going to try "crying it out" to see how that goes), how will I know if she has a wet diaper? Any experience with or tips for sleep-training and cloth diapering?
ReplyDeleteWe know she can sleep for extended periods as she has done it randomly, and she has been on solids for about 4 weeks.
Thanks for your help--I have enjoyed all of your postings and found them helpful in navigating new motherhood.