Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Behavior Basics Part 1 - Three Reasons Why Babies Don't Sleep Through the Night

One of the most challenging parts of being a new parent is dealing with lack of sleep. Most newborns wake up every 2 hours, around the clock, and many parents desperately wonder when their babies will finally sleep through the night. Tired parents are barraged with the latest gizmos and "systems" to get their babies to sleep longer. Unfortunately, young babies are not supposed to sleep through the night. Waking up at night doesn't make anyone happy, but thankfully, it isn't long before babies naturally sleep for longer stretches. You will get some restful nights, at least until your baby grows up and learns to drive...
No matter what you've heard, there is no one age when all babies will sleep through the night and babies can vary how many times they wake. There's no getting around it; young babies need to wake up at night for some very good reasons and their physiology ensures that's exactly what they do.

Reason 1. Young Babies Wake to Eat
Newborn tummies are very tiny. They can't take in very much at each feeding. No matter how they are being fed, by breast or bottle, babies' rapid growth requires that they are fed frequently. While there is a lot of variability in how much babies can drink at one time, all babies need to eat during the night for the first few weeks of life. As they get bigger, babies can drink more at one time and they don't have to wake as often to eat.

Reason 2. Young Babies Wake Because They Dream
Babies don't sleep like adults. When adults first fall asleep, they fall into a deeper sleep without dreaming, then dream for short periods of time (off and on) throughout the night. Babies fall asleep dreaming (in "rapid eye movement" or REM sleep) and move more slowly to "deeper" forms of sleep, without dreams. For infants, dreaming is vital for normal brain development. While infants dream, blood flows to their brains and neural connections are made. Because it is so important for their development, newborns may dream 30 minutes before they fall into deeper sleep. Premature infants dream even longer and more often than term infants.

Babies, like adults, are more likely to wake up when they are dreaming than if they are in deeper forms of sleep. So, if something happens while they are dreaming, like the phone rings or they are put down into a bassinet, babies are likely to wake. When babies are dreaming, their eyelids will flutter and their faces and bodies will twitch, so it is easy for parents to see when babies stop dreaming and enter deeper forms of sleep. By waiting to put newborns down until after signs of dreaming stop, parents can help their babies stay asleep. By the time babies are 3 or 4 months old, they fall asleep in deeper sleep just like their parents. Often, parents of 4-month-old babies will notice how much "better" their babies are sleeping. Many babies will sleep most of the night around 6 to 9 months of age.

Reason 3. Young Babies Wake to Stay Comfortable and Safe
Babies are born with brand new lungs, muscles, and brains. Sometimes, their little bodies need a little time to get into synch. If babies sleep too deeply, they may get too hot or too cold or they may not wake when they need move their muscles or to get a little more air. This does not mean that babies should wake up all the time. After the first 6 weeks (when almost anything goes), most babies will settle down and sleep 3- to 4-hour stretches. As they get older and their bodies mature, they will sleep even longer.

But..."I Need My Sleep"...
Now that I've given you so much bad news, what can I say to reassure my bleary-eyed readers? I can tell you that all the sleep deprivation is directly supporting the health and development of your wonderful new baby. I can also tell you, that this time passes and before you know it, your baby will be a child, a teen, and suddenly, an adult. You won't believe me, but you'll miss these early months (well, maybe not those first 6 weeks). Meanwhile, rest when you can, even sitting quietly can be helpful. Get as much help as you can with household chores and other responsibilities. Most people love to help new moms.

Just one more thing! Sometimes interrupted sleep can be so stressful that parents may find that they can't think clearly. When we are very tired, the normal checks and balances in our brains don't always work the way they should. If you ever find yourself feeling upset or angry with your baby for waking you up (again!), make sure you take the time to get yourself fully awake before you pick up your baby. Splash some water on your face, have a drink of water, and then care for your baby. When you're awake, you'll be much more likely to make good decisions. If you find that you are often angry or having trouble controlling your emotions, get some help. It is important for you and your baby that you get help. Talk to your doctor or a trusted friend or family member. There are many people who will understand your feelings; you are not alone.
Sweet Dreams!

Next time: Baby Behavior Basics Part 2: The Many Moods of Babies


  1. Do babies that are born early still have the rooting and sucking relex? Or as they get closer to their due date will it appear? And,for the full tern or the preterm, if they show signs of fullness, will they still root? and more importantly will they still suck?

  2. For the past three weeks, my son has been waking up either at 2 or 3am. He will wake up and I could see him sitting straight up with his eyes wide open. Either he wants to play or he just starts screaming for a bottle. I think he is teething up top as well so that could contribute to the reason.

  3. Yes, for two days my baby has s very weriod of sleeping. I think they do dream because her eyes move in her sleep.

  4. All of my kids have been awesome sleepers since the time they have been born. I didn't know that babies dream differently then adults, that's pretty neat to find out

  5. Wow, everything is so true. With my second child, things felt much more harder. I definitely slept a lot less than my first child and I always felt that my mind just wasn't there. I felt lost and dumb, choices I made were funny and sometimes even scary when I realized few hours later what I had done. My baby now 3 months old sleeps much longer through the night and wakes up 1 or 2 times at night and my brain functions normally now :)

  6. when my baby goes to sleep, she has been having some bad dreams all i been doing is singing her a song and for some reason it been helping her feel more safe and comfort for her to fall back to sleep

  7. I didn't know that babies dream when they are so tiny. It is true , when my one month baby sleeping , sometimes she is crying and sometimes she is smiling.

  8. My eight month old just started sleeping more through the night. Im so glad, he used to wake up 3-4 times per night crying for bottle or just attention. so glad those days are behind.

  9. My baby tends to have times were she sleeps through the night but it is rear and when she does sleeep thriugh the night she is awakw at 5:30 am. but even her naps through the day are only 15 - 20 min. long and she is only 8 months

  10. wow... my daughter is nine months and still doesnt sleep thru the night well at first she did now she wakes up most nights unless i get lucky and she sleeps all night

  11. this is so true ive been asking my self when my baby will start to sleep throughout the night. some nights i only get 3 hours of sleep. im so ready for her to start sleeping!

    1. My son sleeps very well through the night. He wakes about 8am and then goes back to sleep and hour later. It's kind of nice. His schedule fits what I did when I was pregnant with him.

  12. My baby is gonna b four months already and he still doest sleep through the night he wakes up like 3 times a night almost like he was still newborn . I wish I could get a good night sleep but I see that's not gonna happen!

  13. my son just turned 2 and is barely starting to sleep thru the night, he would wake up at least 1-2 times for chee pretty sure it was just a comfort thing for him....and yes i still breastfed him till 2 years...i know i know it is a struggle...

  14. My son is 9 months old, he sleeps about 12 hours a night, waking up a couple times crying but falls back to sleep quickly, he only takes one nap during the day for about 2 hours, I don't know how we got him on such a good schedule, but I am a very lucky mom!

  15. my baby is 2 years old and she istill sleeps with me and my wife iam just hoping

  16. my son is just turned 3 months, he sleeps good but there are times when the smallest sound, thats not his lallaby cd, wakes him up. He sleeps through the night,wakes up for a few minutes to feed and a diaper change. During the days he will only nap for about 30 min at a time.

  17. my daughter is 10 months and sleeps very well overnight

  18. im happy to say that my baby is starting to sleep through the night. but we still have some rough nights. it is slowly getting better.

    1. yes we all go thru that period but haveing someone like a fam. member come around to help or even husbands to be their to help thru the night its great!!! that way wr can rest for an hour or so.

  19. my baby sleeps through the night :)

  20. My daughter is 5 months old and sleeps through the night most of the night. Once in a while she will wake up once :)

  21. I have never had a problem with my baby sleeping. he sleeps really well for me.

  22. My son is 8 months old and only wake sup maybe once or twice throughout the night :)

  23. My daughter is almost 4 months now and has been sleeping for up to 9 hours for the past month! The first few weeks were very difficult sleep wise. Everyone would tell me, "It gets better." At the time I didn't believe them and now I wish I would have cherished the sleeplessness as a part of the "big picture" They do grow so fast.

  24. My twins are 7 months now and they both still wake up every night. I'm super tired all the time, I can't wait till they are old enough to sleep through the night.

  25. I always did wonder if my daughter was dreaing or not now we know thank you.

  26. we can learn so much in this link i love it

  27. this is a very good program for new mothers.

  28. This helped me understand alot of new facts! Thank you

  29. good article! It is very important to meet my babies needs. I feel I could always do better but I do try my best and that is whats important.

  30. this was a very good article helped me understand that there are different reasons that babies wake up not just because they are hungry or need a diaper change

  31. my baby is adorable.She wakes up every 3 hours just to eat and falls back to sleep. :)

  32. I to have a 4 month old son that meets all that was stated about this topic it was so helpful.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. if someone (family or friends) want to help take them up on thier offer babies often wake up for several different reason and it could deprive you of sleep and effect you the next day if youre a ne mom

  35. This helped to understand a little more. Each one of my children where different. I can deal with the sleep lost when it comes to my children.

  36. My leah is wonderful! I love getting up and having her smile and talk to me.

  37. This is Awesome!!!

  38. you learn something new everyday.

  39. this is a great good information for parents to learn from

  40. good infor for new parents and parents who are still learning about their children.

  41. I try to tell this to my husband.....

  42. my 3month old son has always woken me with coos and a big smile. he makes me wanna have a million more!

  43. my twin girls finally sleep through the night

  44. My son just started to sleep for 4 hrs his 4 months

  45. My one month daughter only wakes up once at night. It is really interesting to se her sleep because she sleeps and laughs and rolls her eyes if as someone was making funny faces to her.

  46. My baby is a good sleeper.

  47. my baby is a good baby he only cries when he need something

  48. My baby start to sleep through the night, she is 4 month.

  49. My daughter started sleeping through the night at about 4-5 months.

  50. my babay is very good at sleeping st night,she never cries or get fussy.

  51. My baby sleeps well and started sleeping all night at around four months.

  52. I am a proud grandma who is very excited to have the opportunity to do it all over again.

  53. my baby is good. he sleeps through the night

  54. I had always wondered if newborns dream because my son smiles while he's sleeping and its good that he's smiling but i wondered if its bec. he's dreaming or just happy.

  55. my son now goes to sleep mostly throughout the night. he just turned a year

  56. I found this article to be very informative. I found it interesting to learn about all the stages that babies go through during their sleep. My son has been sleeping through the night since 4 months old, but now our issue is naps. He is almost 9 months and has no time to nap. He takes 2-3 30 minute power naps and then is ready to party!

  57. - this article helped me a lot , I now know how to tend to my baby boys needs.

  58. my son is almost 8 months old. he still wakes up all through the night to eat. I asked the dr. if I need to break this habit. he told me to wait until he is a least a year old. he is still growing.

  59. This article was full of things I did not know, and now have an understanding of. thank you!

  60. My son is almost a year old and still wakes frequently throughout the night, probably 2 to 3 times. We are co sleeping and some say that co sleeping babies wake more frequently. The REM sleep thing makes so much sense now that I think about it.

  61. I learned many different things about understanding my baby.

  62. things I didn't know this article was very helpful!

  63. My baby started sleeping through the night at 4 months.He might of woke up once in the middle of the night.

  64. very helpful things i never new

  65. lucky for me my baby sleeps all night but this article still helped a lot! you can never know to much about your baby

    1. this was very helpful my baby sleeps all night now to

    2. Very good points

  66. it really helped its very helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  67. omg i didnt know that thank you.

  68. i love it:) i cant wait to see the baby and wake up with him!

  69. Very helpful!!! Thanks!!!!

  70. Wow there was a lot of stuff i learned that i did not know about babies

  71. There's a lot of things I learn

  72. I like the part concerning sleeping cycles.

  73. Great information that I read and it will be very useful for me!

  74. My son is almost 8 months old and sleeps great thru the night....he is already pulling himself up and trying to walk. hes growing up so fast and its amazing to be with him and watch and help him develop :)

  75. My baby sleeps well through the night

  76. I have found this article helpful and understanding...I'm going to be a first time mom so we will just have to see how my daughter does;)

  77. My son is 3 months and sleeps pretty well at night

  78. my baby sleeps pretty good during the night!

  79. iam learning so many new things from this page

  80. these pages are very educational

  81. This page has great information, and I recognize many of my babys cues.

  82. my baby sleeps pretty good for the most part sometimes she has those moments at three in the morning where she just wants to play.

  83. my baby sleeps all night at 3 month old

  84. Wow, my baby must be something special or something special because, though he'll be 9 months in a few days, he still wakes up every 2-3 hours throughout the night. He is my most neediest baby and I pray for enjoyment of his baby years, because like you say, he won't be little anymore. *sniff* My first one will be 17 soon so I KNOW!!!

  85. my baby is starting to sleep most of the night but there is days he wakes up alittle fussy

  86. i found this very helpful.

  87. I also found this very helpful

  88. New babies are sometimes hard to understand, this was helpful!

  89. My baby is now 11 months old and still does not sleep all night. I do however get at least a couple of hours in a row sleep. I guess I am just spoiled because I was blessed with my first child sleeping the whole night at the age of 3 months old.

  90. this is pretty cool

  91. interesting to learn about their dreaming

  92. i didnt even know they dream

  93. my newborn started sleeping thru the nite when he was exactly 3 months old, which is great considering I work full-time and have 3 other kids to take care of

  94. I was very lucky my baby started sleeping through the night at 2 months.

  95. My grandson finally sleeps thur the night and wakes up at 5am, I can get him and myself ready for the day of daycare and work

  96. I agree, this is very important to all parents with a newly born baby for them to understand what their baby's behavior and needs.

  97. Thanks for all informations

  98. thanks for all the helpful advice

  99. Thanks for the advice

  100. Im just the grandma so thanks for the info ;)

  101. My son will be 10 months in a few days he sleeps pretty good @ night,its just his timing of falling to sleep , he don't go to sleep until he here and see his dad when he get home and that @ midnight


  103. you miss so much sleeping.. and in my case this is my fourth child so i have learned to be more patient and understanding. im not so selfish now i suppose. so i enjoy the lil things more and watch my daughter while she sleeps now...what an amazing thing to bwe a my life and my four blessing...

  104. very interesting information!

  105. good to know, thanks!

  106. this was very helpful, thankyou

  107. very helpful thanks

  108. once my baby got here I realized that her sleeping patterns where similar to those she had a accustomed to when in the womb. so that was as helpful as reading this article.

  109. i realize when my baby crys its because of dirty diaper or hungry

  110. thank you this was very helpfull information

  111. thank you very much i appreciate the help from who or what i can get from the wic program

  112. I find this comforting that I am in the same postion as other parents

  113. My son is 8 months old he's sleeps for 10 hours at night he don't fuss that much just when he is wet or want to get I never got this lucky with my daughter

  114. Very Helpful. Thanks

  115. very good information thanks

  116. i like how you get alot of information about your baby

  117. interesting fact didnt know babies had dreams this young

  118. wow I had no idea! this is good to know

  119. Helpful and Interesting! Thanks

  120. interesting to know

  121. i didn't know they woke up because they dream. interesting

  122. very interesting enjoyed the article.

  123. my son is 3 months old and has been sleeping all night for a couple of weeks i am one lucky mom thank you all for comments learned a couple of new things

  124. Great information!

  125. Gets me excited just thinking about the baby being here with me. Changes the way I think... Can't wait. Great information, especially for new mothers.

  126. I found that with each one of my children it was a little harder to wake up at night but if you are doing your job then it is easy!

  127. sleeping through the night is overrated. I always found that my children were fairly easy to care for during the newborn stage- they sleep 24/7. You do have to get up to care for them frequently, but there's also plenty of opportunity for mom to take a nap! Once they hit about 2 months they may sleep more at night, but they are awake and alert more often in the day and so they need LOTS more attention. For me taking care of 2-6 month olds is much more demanding than newborns because I have less time in the day for doing chores/cooking etc.

  128. My babu started sleeping through the night around the 6 month. Keep in mind every baby is different and developes their learning

  129. Every baby is different. Some will sleep through the night earlier than others. It doesn't mean one is better than the other--it just shows they are different and have different needs. Eventually every baby will sleep through the night!

  130. My baby is now 6 months and I feel like my body has adjusted to the time wich is great.

  131. Thanks this was very helpful information I didn't know about

  132. My Little One is a very good sleeper the only thing is he wake up every morning at 5:00 am like clock work so I have to agree with Anonymous June 17,15.

  133. this have been very good information

  134. My sweet nine month old sleeps through the night and has since 3 or 4 months. I am very lucky and blessed.

  135. This is an awesome article! I didn't know they woke up when they were dreaming, very interesting. Definitely worth the read!

  136. Great information!
