Friday, October 11, 2013

A Question for Our Readers!

Today we are doing things a little bit differently. We want to ask you, our loyal readers, a question. Then next time we'll share your answers as well as our own personal experiences.

What is one thing you wish you would have known after your baby was born?

Please leave a comment below with your answer! Have a great weekend!


  1. Sleep & wake times - I didn't know it wasn't good or healthy for my newborn to stay awake for 4+ hours. Didn't realize she was so sleep deprived until way too late!

  2. that is totally OK to co-sleep and not to stress about how many times a day my child eats. It isn't normal for her or him to sleep through the night!

  3. Have a plan with a lactation consultant even if you don't need them- I cried the entire first week and supplemented which I kicked myself for repeatedly. We went 10 months until I self diagnosed a lip tie and a tongue tie- which 3 LC's missed.

  4. I wish I had know how quickly that tiny little new born would start looking older (about six Weeks) and how quickly the new born cry disappears (about 4-6 Weeks)
