Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The 6 Weeks "Mystery"

We have a question for our readers. When looking at our analytics, we noticed that the most common search term (by a HUGE margin) for finding our blog is "6 week old baby" or something very close to that. Now, we are very curious. Why are so many parents searching for information about their babies at 6 weeks? We have ideas but we'd rather hear it from you. Post a comment and let us know...why 6 weeks?


  1. I think there's an unspoken expectation that babies sleep better, get themselves in a routine, etc by 6 weeks. I expected it when I was a new mom.

    In addition, it's when most women go back to work, so it's a part of preparation for that eventuality?

  2. I think that around 6 weeks the parents start noticing new behaviors, changes in sleep habits, etc. and are out searching for what is "normal." I think for my little one, six weeks was the start of many rapid changes in his development. I would guess that parents are eager to know if their child is on track with other babies, ahead of the game, or behind, even though all babies develop at their own pace.

  3. The first six weeks for me were a blur. It was all about survival back then. After that my baby began to grow and change and I was better able to observe subtleties and ask questions.

  4. General baby website and other parents typically say that the first 6 weeks are the hardest. My baby also had the expected peak in crying duration at 6 weeks.

  5. Many American mums go back to work at 6 wks. I think I expected to start to see progress or a pattern around then.

  6. No answer, but oh my goodness is that a cute baby in the picture.

  7. For me (my baby is now 6 months) at 6 weeks he started crying constantly in the evenings and I didn't know why or what to do about it. Also, I didn't really know what to do with him during the day. Sing? Read? Put him in his bouncy while I cook and talk to him?

  8. Don't forget about the 6 week growth spurt!! Probably has a LOT of parents pulling their hair out!

  9. (Disclaimer: I do not have a 6-week-old baby, and the following is merely the speculation of a karate instructor.)

    Perhaps 6 weeks is where the baby's present shiny newness stops being 100% distracting, and parents more and more seriously think of the baby's future?

    I'd love to know, so make sure you post if you figure it out. ;)

  10. I have a 6 week old right now and I have definitely searched that!! She has become more fussy, needy lately and some of the things that worked before don't anymore. Also she is not a good napier (wakes up after 10 min) so I want to see if other people are experiencing.

  11. I think parents search for info every week... I know I've googled 'three week old baby', 'four week old baby' , 'five week old baby'... Etc.

  12. My baby is at. 6weeks and I've noticed he's started to sleep through the night but during the day he's very cranky and cries a lot and sleeps ,very little

  13. I searched for something like "first 6 weeks" because I wanted specifically newborn information.
